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2015-03-09 10:58:27  谭超

王桂瑛 教授

王桂瑛,教授,硕士研究生导师,国家一流本科课程负责人、云南省拓金计划示范课程负责人,省级教改项目及校级课程思政重点培育项目负责人,云南农业大学教学名师。在食品科学领域围绕“肉品加工与质量控制”方向,针对云南地方鸡与云南火腿等特色资源开展研究与社会服务工作。主持和参与国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金及云南省重大科技专项等项目15项,在Food ChemistryFood Research InternationalMeat ScienceFood Science and Human Wellness、食品科学等国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录25篇,授权专利22项;获中国畜产品加工研究会科技进步二等奖,云南农业大学教学成果一等奖、云南省高校教师教学大赛三等奖。

1. 承担项目









2. 代表性论文

1Rong Jia, Yuan Yang, Guozhou Liao*, Dahai Gu, Yuehong Pu, Ming Huang, Guiying Wang*(通讯作者). Excavation, identification and structure- activity relationship of heat-stable umami peptides in the processing of Wuding chicken. Food Chemistry, 2024, 430: 137051.(中科院一区TOPIF: 8.8

2Li C, Zou Y L, Liao G Z*, Zheng Z J, Chen G H, Zhong Y R, Wang G Y*(通讯作者). Identification of characteristic flavor compounds and small molecule metabolites during the ripening process of Nuodeng ham by GC-IMS, GC-MS combined with metabolomics. Food Chemistry, 2024, 440: 138188.(中科院一区TOPIF: 8.8

3Li C, Zou Y L, Liao G Z*, Yang Z J, Gu D H, Pu Y H, Ge C R, Wang G Y*(通讯作者). Variation of microbiological and small molecule metabolite profiles of Nuodeng ham during ripening by high-throughput sequencing and GC-TOF-MS. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2024, 13: 2186-2195.(中科院一区TOPIF: 7.0

4Zheng Z J, Tian M, Liao G Z*, Chen G H, Zhong Y R,Yang Y, Wang G Y*(通讯作者). Evaluation of the effects of compound curing agents on the lipid profiles and volatile flavors in Nuodeng ham based on lipidomics and GC-IMS analysis. Food Research International, 2024, 176: 113810.(中科院一区TOPIF: 8.1

5Rong Jia, Yuan Yang, Guozhou Liao*, Hongyan Wu, Chunfang Yang, and Guiying Wang*(通讯作者). Flavor characteristics of umami peptides from Wuding chicken revealed by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72(7): 3673-3682.(中科院一区TOP,封面论文,IF:6.1

6Yang Z J, Chen G H, Liao G Z*, Zheng Z J, Zhong Y R, Wang G Y*(通讯作者). UHPLC-MS/MS-based lipidomics for the evaluation of the relationship between lipid changes and Zn-protoporphyrin formation during Nuodeng ham processing. Food Research International, 2023, 174: 113509.(中科院一区TOPIF: 8.1

7Rong Jia, Ying He, Guozhou Liao*, Zijiang Yang, Dahai Gu, Yuehong Pu, Ming Huang, Guiying Wang*(通讯作者). Identification of umami peptides from Wuding chicken by Nano-HPLC-MS/ MS and insights into the umami taste mechanisms. Food Research International, 2022, 172: 113208.(中科院一区TOPIF: 8.1

8Yang Z J, Liao G Z*, Wan D Q, Kong W C, Li C, Gu D H, Pu Y H, Ge C R, Wang G Y*(通讯作者). Combined application of high-throughput sequencing and LC-MS/ MS-based metabolomics to evaluate the formation of Zn- protoporphyrin in Nuodeng ham. Food Research International, 2022, 162: 112209.(中科院一区TOPIF: 8.1

9Yuanrui Yu, Guiying Wang*(通讯作者), Xiaoyan Yin, Changrong Ge, Guozhou Liao*. Effects of different cooking methods on free fatty acid profile, water-soluble compounds and flavor compounds in Chinese Piao chicken meat. Food Research International, 2021, 140:110008.(中科院一区TOPIF, 6.475

10Ding X L, Wang G Y*(通讯作者), Zou Y L, Zhao Y Y, Ge C R, Liao G Z*. Evaluation of small molecular metabolites and sensory properties of Xuanwei ham salted with partial replacement of NaCl by KCl. Meat Science, 2021, 175(4): 108465.(中科院一区TOPIF: 5.209

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